University of Management and Technology (UMT) President Ibrahim Hassan Murad, expressed his feelings on the occasion of Kashmir Day, saying that Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and we stand firmly with our Kashmiri brothers & sisters in this hour of grief because Freedom of Kashmir has become the need of time.
He said that February 5 is observed as Kashmir Day each year to mark the brutality committed by Indian armed forces and their unjustified oppressive means to snub the civil rights of Kashmiris.
Ibrahim Murad suggested that solution rests in world leading powers and intervention by the United Nations for peaceful resolution of the Kashmir therefore Pakistani Academics must highlight Kashmir issue in universities worldwide so that Kashmiri people can live in accordance with their religious and cultural beliefs.
Addressing to students & youth he said that the prevailing scenario in Indian held Kashmir is one of the worst in the history of mankind for the last 72 years. In this regard we have to mobilize our academics community to highlight the brutality of Indian forces and awful situation of Kashmir’s on all platforms. Academia must shed light on Kashmir’s quest for freedom struggle to strengthen their stance of independence in the world. Furthermore he added that we as one nation should give powerful message to the world community for Kashmir.